Thursday, May 15, 2008

Malakoff CR Team - An Introduction

Would like to start over.

Blogging duties at Malakoff-CR are shared among a regular team of 3 bloggers. Two of us blog elsewhere on non-Malakoff and non-CR stuff. The CR stands for Corporate Responsibility; and serendipitously also stands for Charity Ride.

We'll be blogging on all CR-related activities at Malakoff. That's a bit ambitious...we'll be blogging on some of the larger scale CR activities at Malakoff.

The Charity Ride is one of the CR activities but there are a host of others.

One member of the Malakoff CR Blog Team is new to blogging having never blogged before. Shocking right?! To find someone who has not blogged before, but we found one just for you to give you that fresh wide-eyed view of a newbie to the blogosphere.

So be gentle with us.

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