First the facts on the donations, and a littlet bit on the homes that received them. There more info on those homes where I sat close to someone from the home or school.
Darul Izzah orphanage : RM10,000
(you can read about DArul Izzah in the earlier post); that Ustaz Badawi representing them in the pix
Rumah Sri Suria (Sunshine Home) : RM5,000; represented by Pn Zaiton
This is a home for special kids
SK Bandar Temerloh (Integrasi) : RM5,000; represented by Cikgu Abdul Majid. I sat next to Pn Nor Jalilah Mat Ali, who teaches at the school. This is an integration school that has classes for special kids and regular kids too. There are currently 700 students, 43 are learning impaired and another 22 are hearing impaired. The idea is for the special kids and the regular kids to mingle during recess, and some classes for more acceptance of each other. Pn Nor Jalilah told me that its challenging, but the response from teh regular kids has been positive, while the special kids are improving. See is quite a character; I think any child would enjoy having her as a teacher.
Pusat Dalam Komuniti Bukit Damar: RM3,000
This is an in-community rehabilitation center.
Pusat Dalam Komuniti Bandar Temerloh: RM3,000
As above.
2 orphanages in Gombak received a total of RM5,000 as well.
How much is that in total? That's RM31,000 in total.
Here's a pix of all the charity representatives and AJ from Malakoff who presented the checks.

1 comment:
ALSTOM, as Gold Sponsor for this year's Malakoff Charity Ride has always been supportive of this charitable event. We can only express our sincere thanks to the Alstom management. Thanks also to ABB and TYDEN, two other principal donors. Last but not least of course other donors, too long a list to mention here. And do rest assured your contributions have safely reached the desired receipients-thanks to the hardwork of the cyclists. Shakiman
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